Thick Plastics
When plastic is at welding temperature it is essentially a liquid
or it is molten. Therefore when the Powercore Welding Rod is at welding
temperature, it is also molten. If too much external pressure is applied
during the weld cycle the Powercore Welding Rod, and the molten weld
zone can be squeezed out of the desired position. To properly weld
with Powercore a small clamping pressure is all that is required. (less
than 2 psi). More importantly the clamps should not allow the parts
to move in any direction. This will allow the molten weld zone to stay
in the same position, and the parts will stay aligned. The two illustrations
below show the result of a constant force weld verses a static clamp
weld for thick material.
- A constant force is applied.
- As the weld zone and Powercore heats up, the entire weld zone
will expand and become molten.
- Powercore is squeezed out of weld zone. Parts are out of alignment.
- Clamping device holds parts in a static position
- Weld zone will expand as it heats, causing internal pressure forcing
parts into clamp.
- As parts cool, a set screw is released to allow parts to shrink
up slightly to prevent internal stress from forming.
For easy reference, we have provided all the above information in PDF
format for you to download.