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Three variables are needed to determine the size of power supply required to perform the weld.

  1. First, measure the length of Powercore Welding Rod ( in feet ) needed to weld the parts.
  2. Second, depending on the thickness of the material (minimum 1 core for every 1/4 inch of material), determine the number of Powercore's to be used in parallel.
  3. Third, determine the current flow in Amps , remember the same current flow will be the same for each Powercore. 6 Amps is the minimum required / per core.

Calculator example

1) Length of Powercore Welding Rod in feet:

2) Number of powercore's in parallel

3) Current Flow in Amps / per core

The Power Supply must supply: Volts at Amps, this totals Watts.

For easy reference, we have provided all the above information in PDF format for you to download.

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